Dynamic DNS update with Arduino/ESP

Now you can easily make your IoT device send data to a DynamicDNS server (such as ddnames.com) and specify the current IP address. I give you the code which is just an example:

#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const char* ssid = "YourSSID";
const char* password = "YourWiFiPassword";
byte tries = 10;  // Trying to connect to wireless AP

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (--tries && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    Serial.println("Non Connecting to WiFi..");
    // Connection established
    // Show local IP
    Serial.println("WiFi connected");
    Serial.println("IP address: ");

void loop() {
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
int httpCode = http.GET();
if (httpCode > 0) {
String payload = http.getString();
HTTPClient http2;
http2.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
int httpCode2 = http2.POST("{\"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"apikey\":\"yourApikey\", \"domain\": \"yourdomain.tld\", \"ipaddress\": \""+ payload +"\"}");
String payload2 = http2.getString();
Serial.println("{\"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"apikey\":\"yourApikey\", \"domain\": \"yourdomain.tld\", \"ipaddress\": \""+ payload +"\"}");

This program is designed to find out the current IP address and then send it to a server to update the DNS record for a specified domain. The program first attempts to connect to a wireless access point using the provided SSID and password, with a limit of 10 attempts. If the connection is successful, the program shows the local IP address and proceeds to the main loop.

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In the main loop, the program checks if the wireless connection is still active. If the connection is active, the program creates a client and an HTTP request to get the current IP address from a specific URL. If the request is successful, the program then sends a second HTTP request to update the DNS record for the specified domain, using the retrieved IP address as the new value for the record. The program uses a delay of 5 seconds between each iteration of the loop.

Overall, this program is useful for updating the DNS record for a domain with a dynamic IP address, ensuring that the domain always points to the correct IP address even if it changes.

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Author: admin

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