Author: admin

Posted in Python

How to get the length of a cursor from mongodb using Python?

In MongoDB, cursors are returned by queries and allow you to iterate over the results of a…

Posted in DevOps/Sysadmin hacks Python

Automatic gracefully shutdown of virtual machines and ESXI hypervisor from telegram bot

Having a Telegram bot interface to control your network can be convenient for a few reasons: Remote…

Posted in DevOps/Sysadmin hacks

Windows hacks

sfc /scannow termsrv.dll error Run regedit and run Find on: x86_microsoft-windows-t..teconnectionmanager_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_8e9f41c854441762 (as in sbs.log)

Posted in DevOps/Sysadmin hacks

GNU/Linux hacks

Show folders size sorted: root@mail:~# du -h –max-depth=1 /home/admin/mail/ | sort -h   Route tricks Show routes:…

Posted in DevOps/Sysadmin hacks

Mikrotik hacks

How to install Python and Virtual Environment on RouterOS Mikrotik?

Posted in Python

Checking the status of network devices with Python and sending messages to Telegram

I wanted to quickly get information about when the power goes out in my house. Having a…

Posted in Python

How to run Python bot as a service in Ubuntu Linux?

I like building Python bots. Especially for telegram – I think this messenger is very relevant and…

Posted in Python

How to be always online in Telegram? -Python/Telethon

Previously, I have already developed bots for Telegram with Aiogram. But those bots worked exactly like telegram…

Posted in Arduino

Linux Ubuntu Raspberry PI temperature control script

Today I am sharing my simple and at the same time useful Linux script which checks the…

Posted in Python

How to create telegram bot with Aiogram and Finite State Machine

I decided to understand Finite State Machine – because my bots had one function up to this…