As you may have guessed, my reporting project is entirely focused on helpdesk events recording. At the end of the month, the system administrator must submit a report in the xlsx format for business head. To create such files, we need openpyxl.
from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Protection, Font ######Some other VIEVS.PY CODE ######### @login_required def saveinfo(request, username): #function receives username as argument for filtering data in the model. #Don't forget add correct path in such as path #('saveinfo/<str:username>', views.saveinfo, name='saveinfo'), # and generate links for this in template. """ Downloads all infos as Excel file with a single worksheet """ try: if username == 'all': saveinfo = Addinfo.objects.order_by('date_added') else: saveinfo = Addinfo.objects.filter(work_user=username).order_by('date_added') except: username = saveinfo = Addinfo.objects.filter(work_user=username).order_by('date_added') response = HttpResponse( content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', ) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=f"{date}-отчет.xlsx"'.format('%Y-%m-%d'), ) workbook = Workbook() # Get active worksheet/tab worksheet = worksheet.title = 'Report' # Define the titles for columns columns = [ 'Дата и время', 'Офис', 'Сотрудник', 'Комментарий', 'Время', 'Расход', 'Приход', 'Доп. инфо', ] row_num = 1 # Assign the titles for each cell of the header for col_num, column_title in enumerate(columns, 1): cell = worksheet.cell(row=row_num, column=col_num) cell.value = column_title # Iterate through all movies for info in saveinfo: row_num += 1 # Define the data for each cell in the row row = [ info.work_day, info.work_where, info.work_who, info.work_what, info.work_minutes, info.work_trade, info.work_return, info.work_comment, ] # Assign the data for each cell of the row for col_num, cell_value in enumerate(row, 1): cell = worksheet.cell(row=row_num, column=col_num) cell.font = Font(name='Times New Roman', size=12, vertAlign='baseline', underline='none') cell.value = cell_value return response
I don’t understand the columns, is it the Chinese language? mandarin?
maybe Panjabi
still waiting for Chinese