sfc /scannow termsrv.dll error
Run regedit and run Find on:
x86_microsoft-windows-t..teconnectionmanager_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_8e9f41c854441762 (as in sbs.log)
Find all instances and export/save the entry, then delete it.
After this if you run SFC /SCANNOW, you should have no one file errors.
How to EASY SETUP TimeZone Windows 7/10/11/8/2022/2016/2019 etc???
tzutil /g - your current TZ tzutil /l -show available TZ's tzutil /s "FLE Standard Time" - set TZ
How to show WIFI password windows 11?
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan show profile name=”Wi-Fi-Profile” key=clear
How to change network profile type Windows 10 – Private, Public, Domain?
Changing network profile via PowerShell (run as Admin):
This command returns list of network connections:
Name : Неопознанная сеть
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 3
InterfaceIndex : 19
NetworkCategory : Public
IPv4Connectivity : NoTraffic
IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic
Now you know InterfaceIndex and may change it to Private:
Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex 19 -NetworkCategory Private
Checking changes:
Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex 19
For all network interfaces:
Get-NetConnectionProfile | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private
Run regedit.exe and go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
Find your profile by ProfileName REG_SZ key. Set TYPE by editing Category. Available parameters:
0 — Public Network
1 — Private Network
2 — Domain Network
Via Security Policies:
Run secpol.msc and go to the Network List Manager Policies. For restrict users use “User cannot change location”
How to refresh all DNS stack in Windows AD?
- Check your hosts file. Sometimes you may forrget your additions =))
dnscmd /clearcache
– run it on Windows Server with DNS server roleipconfig /flushdns
– run it on Windows workstation
Autologon Windows 7-10, 2008-201
1. Open the registry editor. To do this, open the “Run” window (Windows + R), enter the command “regedit” and click “OK”.
2. In the registry editor, go to the following section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
3. On the right side of the window, find the option called DefaultUserName and double-click it. Make sure its value matches your local account or Microsoft account.
4. Next, in the right part of the window, find the DefaultPassword parameter. If there is no such parameter, then create an ego. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the right side of the window, select “String parameter” and name it DefaultPassword.
Then set a value for it, opened with a double click of the mouse, which will correspond to the password of your account.
5. Well, the last step will be to enable automatic login. To do this, find the AutoAdminLogon option there and set it to 1.
How to disable boot option selection after BSOD or power loss
bcdedit /set {current} BOOTSTATUSPOLICY IgnoreAllFailures
bcdedit /set {current} BOOTSTATUSPOLICY IgnoreShutdownFailures
SOLVING PROBLEM WITH MS Office Outlook starting in safe mod
HKEY_USERS\<YOUR USER PROFILE ID HERE>\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar
Alter Calendar Type (DWORD 32 1) change value to 0
How to get User id of your domain user???
Run it in CMD:
whoami /user