Posted in Python

Updated Django model days counting – month start error

On February 1st I got an error on my Work Accounting system. My beautiful graphs are no…

Posted in Python Web

How to separate menu between ordinary and privileged users in Django

If you want to display a list of links to user profiles. To do this, you need…

Posted in Python

How to create tuple from Django model for choosing in form

For records user management I need create choose tuple:

Posted in Python

Days counting in Django model for graph generation

I wanted to get work statistics from the date of the first entry. I had problems with…

Posted in Python Web

Matplotlib image from Django Model to template

I wanted to see a graphical representation of the time for each day of my work. This…

Posted in Python

How to add Matplotlib to Django

One thing in official docs was forgotten – you need install django-matplotlib and matplotlib: pip install django-matplotlib…

Posted in Arduino

Dynamic DNS update with Arduino/ESP

Now you can easily make your IoT device send data to a DynamicDNS server (such as…

Posted in Web

Form with different action buttons and request on the same page. Django

Target: Create a form with two buttons with different actions for my project. Display the result…

Posted in Python Web

ToDo list functionality for my Work Accounting Project

There was a need to separate completed tasks from open ones. I added new object to model:

Posted in Python Web

How to get current month values from Django Model, convert to int() and sum?

I decided to implement a display of the time spent on work. To do this, you need…