Convert image to Telegram sticker bot

Sometimes I create funny (or rather insane) stickers for Telegram that express my reactions to different situations. For example like this:

To create a sticker, telegram requires certain file parameters. This is a PNG format with a maximum single side of 512 pixels. I had use a graphic editor on my computer to finish the file, even if I sketched this sticker on my phone. Of course, I also had an editor on the Iphone, but this is not a convenient and unnecessary installed applet.


Using Python, Aiogram and Pillow, I simplified the process of making a sticker and removed an unnecessary application from the Iphone. In fact, it’s even 2 applications, because one was used for resizing, and the second for hard format conversion.

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@StickerPNG is a simple bot with one function (for now): take a photo and convert it to a PNG file with a maximum side of 512 pixels.

Author: admin

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