Tag: Django
How to generate xlsx file from Django model
As you may have guessed, my reporting project is entirely focused on helpdesk events recording. At the…
How to add a click on a row in a table and keep the links active
In my report project, I wanted to make a transition to the event (task) page directly from…
Search by employee and office in Django
I have implemented search query generation in my reports. Now you can click on the name of…
How to insert and implement datalist to Django Forms
One day I realized that I was tired of having to remember the full name of the…
How to make active page button highlight in Django
When switching between users, it remained unclear – which user’s data are you currently viewing? There was…
Updated Django model days counting – month start error
On February 1st I got an error on my Work Accounting system. My beautiful graphs are no…
How to create tuple from Django model for choosing in form
For records user management I need create choose tuple:
Days counting in Django model for graph generation
I wanted to get work statistics from the date of the first entry. I had problems with…
Matplotlib image from Django Model to template
I wanted to see a graphical representation of the time for each day of my work. This…
How to add Matplotlib to Django
One thing in official docs was forgotten – you need install django-matplotlib and matplotlib: pip install django-matplotlib…