Tag: Python

Posted in Coding Python

Python base hacks

How to start work with Virtual Environment in PowerShell? pip install virtualenv #Install Virtual Environment python -m…

Posted in DevOps/Sysadmin hacks

macOS hacks

How to create and run virtual environment on macOS? python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate  

Posted in DevOps/Sysadmin hacks Python

iLo server power on Python script for Telegram Bot

Having a Python Telegram bot with the function to power on servers through HP iLO can be…

Posted in Python

How to get the length of a cursor from mongodb using Python?

In MongoDB, cursors are returned by queries and allow you to iterate over the results of a…

Posted in Python

How to be always online in Telegram? -Python/Telethon

Previously, I have already developed bots for Telegram with Aiogram. But those bots worked exactly like telegram…

Chief Django
Posted in Python

How I Landed My Chief on a Separate View Rule in Django

In my project, when requesting the showinfo page, the user gets information about their work by default….

Posted in Python

Python IMAP Email cleaner – automatic delete old messages

I don’t keep a secret, also I work as a system administrator in an enterprise. I have…

Posted in Web

How to make active page button highlight in Django

When switching between users, it remained unclear – which user’s data are you currently viewing? There was…

Posted in Python Web

How to separate menu between ordinary and privileged users in Django

If you want to display a list of links to user profiles. To do this, you need…

Posted in Python

Days counting in Django model for graph generation

I wanted to get work statistics from the date of the first entry. I had problems with…