Work Accounting System Python/Django

It’s been 2 months since I started learning Python. Just before the New Year holidays, I finished learning the basics of the language.

On January 3rd, I started learning Django.
Today I have a working project that will greatly simplify my working days.

I used Django + PostgreSQL + OpenPyXL to implement the basic functionality I needed. The system allows you to log in, enter data about the work done in the form. After that, you can display a table with a list of works, and also download it as a file in XLSX format.

Login page

Working information form

View all data and download linkFuture plans:
1. Organize the search by the entered word. For example: When you enter the last name Ivanov, the system displays records in which Ivanov is present. – DONE Jan 11th!
2. Separation by pages (pagination).
3. Filter by calendar.
4. Record editor. – Done Jan 10th!
5. User management. Add edit security. Add Show <user> records links.
6. /n or <br> in forms. – Done Jan 11th – objects types changed
7. Send info from report (every cell) via Telegram.. – Done Jan 10th
8. Datalist with employee names.
9. Current month working time summary.Done Jan 12th
10. Work record status (Completed/Not completed). Checkbox and different show pages. – Done Jan 22th Added ToDo list functionality

See also  How to make active page button highlight in Django
Author: admin

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